Greeting cards are often employed as holiday marketing tools; but they can be used for so much more. The personal touch of a greeting card makes it an ideal medium for connecting with your customers on an emotional level – and customers tend to purchase on emotion and justify with logic. Greeting cards are also part of a valid business strategy for boosting customer loyalty.
Score & Fold Not included on Digital Greeting Cards
Need to know what envelope sizes to choose?
A2 envelopes = 11 x 4.25 or 8.5 x 5.5
A6 envelopes = 6 x 9
A7 envelopes = 10 x 7
What is the difference between Fast Turn and Premium?
Fast Turn is a product that is printed digitally and in many cases is available within 24 hours. Premium has a 7 day minimum turn around on most products, as it is offset printed. Premium printing is often less expensive and allows for ordering of higher quantities. Premium and Digital each offer different paper stock options as well.